Can You Get Rid of Cellulite?

Women are much more prone than men to develop cellulite, which develops when connective cords that tether the skin to muscle pull down or stretch, pushing underlying fat cells against the skin. The result is a puckered or dimpled appearance that typically shows up on the buttocks and outer thighs.

While there is a genetic component to cellulite, there is no single cause. However, as producers of the fat-storing hormone estrogen, over 90 percent of women are predisposed to this common problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re heavy or thin, exercise daily, or adhere to a strict vegan diet– you can develop these pesky dimples on the lower body– and there’s no shame in wanting to get rid of it.

If cellulite on the thighs and buttocks is bothersome, you’re not alone. Can you get rid of cellulite completely? Unfortunately, no. But there are some effective, non-surgical procedures, such as QWO, at Dallas Dermatology Partners that can reduce it and improve the appearance of puckered and uneven skin.


cellulite on thighs and butt

Cellulite treatment for legs & buttocks

Diet and exercise have their place but do little for smoothing contour irregularities on the buttocks and legs caused by dense fibrous bands. For a smoother derriere, we turn to QWO (Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum) — the first FDA-approved injectable to treat moderate to severe cellulite. Our dermatologists are thrilled to offer QWO cellulite treatment to minimize contour irregularities on the buttocks and upper thighs.

before and after qwo

How does QWO reduce cellulite?

QWO contains two powerful enzymes that break down the collagen fibers in the septae (fibrous bands) that produce the dimpled appearance of cellulite. These enzymes also stimulate collagen production that improves the integrity and smoothness of the skin.

The injections feel like a bee-sting and take around 15 minutes. There is little to no downtime, and optimal results are seen after 3 treatments, spaced 21 days apart. Bruising, redness, and tenderness are the most common side effects of QWO cellulite treatment for thighs and buttocks.

Ideal candidates for QWO treatment

Our board-certified dermatologists know how to treat cellulite on legs and buttocks and can determine the best candidates for QWO injections. Generally speaking, those with pronounced dimples caused by fibrous strands rather than loose skin are good candidates for this non-invasive treatment.

Skin laxity vs. cellulite

The injectable does not address skin laxity that can mimic the wavy appearance of cellulite. How do you differentiate between age-related loose skin and true cellulite? Lift the skin from the indentation or depression. If the dimple disappears, it is not cellulite.

If skin laxity is the issue, our dermatologists can address this with Genius RF microneedling that combines the benefits of traditional microneedling with fractional radiofrequency energy. In fact, microneedling for tightening skin is safe, non-surgical, and produces noticeable results within a few sessions.

Non-invasive cellulite treatment in Dallas

Interested in learning more about QWO cellulite treatment for buttocks? Our Dallas dermatologists welcome the opportunity to discuss your concerns and design a custom treatment plan in line with your goals. Please call our office or submit the dallas dermatology appointment request form to get started.

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